
南宁晚报 2018-12-16 05:48 大字

广西将在高铁沿线重点打造一批富有特色的高铁城镇、特色名镇,平南县在列。平南县古称龚州,置县已有1700多年历史。“Guangxi will focus on building a number of distinctive high speed railway towns and special famous towns along the high speed railway lines. Pingnan county is on the list. It was known as Gongzhou in ancient times and it has a history of more than 1,700 years.”。这个新鲜出炉的特色高铁城镇,将围绕高铁站完善高铁站场周边交通集散、商贸服务等功能,加大高铁新县城基础设施建设力度。

平南县大安镇是广西三大古镇之一,旧称大乌圩,设圩于明朝末期,距今已有400多年历史。“Daan town of Pingnan county, is one of the top three ancient towns in Guangxi, formerly known as Dawuxu. It was set up in the late Ming dynasty and it has a history of more than 400 years.”。

大安古建筑群坐落于白沙、新客二江汇合处,至今保存较为完好,由大王庙(列圣宫)、粤东会馆、大安桥、大码头等古建筑组成,是研究古代两广政治、经济、文化的重要实物资料。“Daan ancient architectural complex is situated at the confluence of Baisha and Xinke rivers. Up to now, it has been well protected. It is composed of the old buildings, such as Dawang Temple, Yuedong Guild Hall, Daan Bridge and the Grand Wharf. It is an important material for studying the politics, economy and culture of Guangxi and Guangdong provinces.”。1994年7月,大安古建筑群被列入广西壮族自治区重点文物保护单位。

平南县的民间舞丰富多彩,主要分四大类。第一类为采茶舞,是一种群众喜闻乐见的民间歌舞,适用于庆丰收、庆婚娶、贺新年等喜庆场合。第二类为自娱舞,目前只发现《四季木屐舞》,应用于宣传时事、借物抒情、即兴表演等。第三类为拟兽舞,如《龙舞》《狮舞》《鹰狮舞》《麒麟舞》,常出现于新春佳节、迎神赛会、婚娶贺寿等大型喜庆场合。第四类为祭礼舞,用于丧事道场,酬神、安龙、祈福、还福等场合。“The folk dances in Pingnan county are rich and colorful, which are mainly divided into four kinds. The first type is tea-picking dance, the second is self-entertainment dance, the third is animal-like dance and the last one is sacrificial ceremony dance.”。

平南县民间体育活动丰富多彩,平南县曾获得全国体育先进县称号。“In Pingnan, there are lots of fantastic folk sport activities. It has won the title of National Sports Advanced County.”。传统体育项目有赛龙舟、抢花炮、武术、气功、篮球、拔河等,还有斗蟋蟀、斗鸡、顶竹杠、打田螺等小型活动。赛龙舟是群众非常喜爱的一项体育活动,从清朝沿袭至今。“Dragon boat racing is a popular sport activity, which has been carried on since the Qing dynasty.”。



本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





