去年3月以来,频繁出现在涠洲岛海域的鲸群成了游客和当地群众追捧的“网红”,也引起国内外鲸豚专家的密切关注。“Since March last year, whales have appeared frequently in waters of Weizhou Island. They have been gone viral by the local residents and tourists and they have also attracted close attention from the whale experts at home and abroad.”。经南京师范大学鲸豚组与儒艮国家级保护区的专家组,以及由广西科学院、中国科学院水生生物研究院等多名专家组成的联合科考团队共同认定,北海涠洲岛海域所发现的鲸鱼为布氏鲸中体型较小的鳀鲸(又称为小布氏鲸),是“迄今为止中国大陆发现的首例近海岸分布的大型鲸类生活群体”,具有极为重要的生态和科研价值。
据了解,上世纪80年代以前,中国大陆沿海地区就有大型鲸类摄食和繁育场所。科学家称,这应该是近30年来,涠洲岛海域唯一有记录的大型鲸类摄食场所。“It is understood that before 1980s, there were feeding and breeding sites for large cetaceans in coastal areas of mainland China. Scientists said this should be the only record of whale feeding site in Weizhou Island sea area in the past 30 years.”。
布氏鲸是近海鲸类,个头不算大,体长9~12米,头顶有3条明显的平行纵脊,不会长距离迁徙。“Bryde's Whale is a small offshore whale with a body length of 9~12 meters. There are three longitudinal ridges on their heads and they do not migrate long distance.”。
从网友的视频可看到,布氏鲸群很活跃,还会与海鸥共同捕食,场面有趣而壮观。“From the videos we can see the Bryde's whales are very active and they hunt with seagulls together. The picture is interesting and spectacular.”。网友称,观察鲸群活动范围在斜阳岛西南侧海域。目前,科考队通过个体识别,认定涠洲岛海域的布氏鲸已达18头。“Now, the scientific expedition team has identified 18 whales through individual recognition in Weizhou Island sea areas.”。
鲸类是海洋生态系统的顶级捕食者,也是海洋生态系统健康与否的指示物种。科考队介绍,布氏鲸生活在涠洲岛附近海域,表明该海域生态系统比较健康,食物链比较健全,适合鲸类生存。“Whales are the top predators of marine ecosystems and they are also the indicators of the health of marine ecosystems. The scientific expedition team thinks the Bryde's whales live in the waters near Weizhou Island, indicating that the marine ecosystem is healthy, the food chain is perfect and it is suitable for whales to survive.”。为此,涠洲岛旅游区管理委员会发布了《涠洲岛鲸鱼保护及维护海洋生态环境倡议书》,希望人与鲸鱼能在这片海域和谐共处。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译