
南宁晚报 2019-01-13 07:01 大字


那良镇始建于清朝顺治年间(1644-1661年),原称榕树垌,后因此地水源充足、土地肥沃,粮食产量高,更名那良,壮语意为良田。“Naliang Town was built during the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing dynasty(1644-1661), formerly known as Rong Shu Dong. Later, because of the abundant water resource, rich land and high grain output, it was renamed Naliang. Naliang means fertile farmland in Zhuang language.”。


刘永福那良故居坐落于那良镇圩边那营村大厂坡。据《防城县志》记载,刘永福那良故居建于清光绪二年(1876年),至今已120多年。“Liu Yongfu's former residence is located in Naying village of Naliang town. According to Fangcheng County Annals, the former residence was built in 1876 and it has a history of more than 120 years.”。刘永福故居处处有让人流连忘返的雕梁画栋,字画、飞禽走兽等部分图案仍然清晰可见,特别是大门屋檐下的数幅图案完整无缺。


距那良镇西约4公里,有一垌田叫马枝田,在此处山上海拔约500米的松林间有一大块花岗岩石。其竖直面约4平方米,上面刻有很多古老的文字。字大如小碟,行距疏密有致,刻文内容至今无人知晓。“About four kilometers west of Naliang town, there is a huge granite rock in the pinewood on a mountain about 500 meters altitude. The rock is about 4 square meters in size and it is engraved with many ancient characters. Every character on the rock is as big as a small plate and the layout of the inscription is neat and orderly. Nobody knows the content so far.”。据传,那是玉帝授意刻下的“天书”,凿字岭因而得名。


那良镇还有一处2000年前的汉城——汉城村。公元40年,光武帝刘秀派马援(伏波将军)远征叛乱。“Naliang town also has a 2000-year-old village, Hancheng Village. In A.D. 40, Emperor Liu Xiu sent General Ma Yuan to Naliang town to suppress the rebellion.”。在平叛期间,伏波将军派士兵到各村寨传授中原先进技术,让当地民众学会打垒(冲墙)筑屋、烧瓦盖房、使用犁耙牛耕、种植各种作物蔬菜等。当地人为感谢伏波将军,便把村庄改名为“汉城村”。“At that time, the general sent soldiers to teach the villagers advanced techniques of Central Plains. He taught them how to build houses, how to use tools to plough the fields, how to plant crops and vegetables, and so on. To thank General Ma Yuan, the local people renamed the village Hancheng Village.”。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


防城港 防城海关退运1556余吨“洋垃圾”



