京族是我国唯一一个海洋民族,京族人主要居住在广西东兴市的氵万尾、巫头、山心3个小岛上。哈节是京族唯一的民族传统节日,也称“唱哈节”。“哈”是京语译音,含有“歌”的意思。“Jing nationality is the only marine ethnic group in China. The Jing people mainly live in three small islands in Dongxing city of Guangxi, Wanwei Island, Wutou Island and Shanxin Island. Ha festival is the only ethnic traditional festival of the Jing nationality. It is called Ha Chang festival as well. 'Ha' contains the meaning of 'song' in the Jing language.”。
哈节的日期各地不同。“The date of the Ha festival is different in different places.”。氵万尾、巫头二岛为农历六月初十(正好是今天),山心岛为农历八月初十,海边的一些村落则为正月廿五。虽日期各异,但节日的形式与内容基本相同。“Although the dates are different, the form and the content of the festival are basically the same.”。
关于哈节有一个比较有代表性的传说:曾有位歌仙来到京族人居住地区,以传歌为名,动员人们反抗封建压迫。“There is a representative legend about the Ha festival. Once a fairy singer came to the place where the Jing people lived. In the name of singing songs, she mobilized people to stand and resist the feudal oppression.”。她的歌声感动了许多人,后人为了纪念她,建立了哈亭,定期在哈亭唱歌传歌,渐成节俗,各村的哈亭成为节日活动的中心。
京族哈节活动一般历时3日,通宵达旦,歌舞不息。“The Ha festival activities of the Jing nationality usually last three days. Singing and dancing never stop all through the night.”。唱哈的主角有3人:男歌手1人,称“哈哥”,专司抚琴伴奏;女歌手2人,称“哈妹”,1人持两块竹板,另1个拿一只竹梆,击节伴奏,轮流演唱。歌的内容有民间传说、哲理佳话、爱情故事等。“The content of the songs is about the folklore, philosophy and love stories.”。
哈节上,最有特色的是“头顶天灯舞”。舞者头顶瓷碗,碗上叠盘,盘子里点燃蜡烛,舞者两手端着酒杯,杯中也各点1根蜡烛,歌舞时3根蜡烛闪闪不灭。“The most distinctive feature of the Ha festival is the Candle Dance. There is a bowl on the dancer's head. A plate is on the bowl and a burning candle is on the plate. The dancer holds a wine glass in each hand and there is a burning candle in each glass. When the dancer sings and dances, these three candles flicker and won't be out.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译