
“海上森林” 一道保护海堤的天然屏障

南宁晚报 2017-09-17 09:33 大字

盛夏时节,北海是很多南宁人海边度假的选择之一。“Beihai is one of the seaside holidays choices for Nanning people in midsummer.”。提起北海这座海滨城市,第一印象就是蓝天、白云、沙滩、海鲜,还有那一下车就能闻到的海的味道。“When we talk about Beihai, the first impression of this coastal city is the blue sky, clouds, beaches, sea food, and the smell of the sea as soon as you get off the car that you can feel.”。到了海边,除了冲浪、拾贝壳、吃海鲜,欣赏红树林也是游客们必不可少的活动之一。

红树林素有“海上森林”之称,是国家级重点保护的珍稀植物。金海湾红树林位于北海市区东南方约15公里处,是一处景色优美的滨海湿地。“Mangrove, known as the forest on the sea, is the rare plant protected by law. Golden Bay Mangrove Forest is located in the southeast of Beihai, about 15 kilometers away from the downtown area. It is a beautiful coastal wetland.”。整个景区面积约20平方公里,红树林有2000多亩。“The entire scenic area is about 20 square kilometers. The mangroves occupy more than 329 acres of land.”。涨潮时,游客们只能看到它的部分树冠,而退潮时,它带着海泥的树干才会露出海面,密密匝匝,非常壮观。

中国的红树种类有37种,金海湾红树林景区内就有7种:白骨壤、桐花树、秋茄、海桑、卤蕨、木榄和红海榄。“There are 37 kinds of mangroves in China and there are 7 kinds in this scenic spot.”。大海每天潮涨潮落,红树林也周期性地浸泡在海水之中,潮汐的涨落与月亮的运行有关,红树林也据此来调整自己的生命节律。成熟的红树林枝繁叶茂,根系发达,还能形成一道防风消浪、保护海堤的天然屏障。“The branches and leaves of mature mangroves are very luxuriant. The roots are very well-developed. They form a nature barrier for preventing winds, dissipating waves and protecting seawalls.”。此外,红树林还以凋落物的方式,通过食物链的转换,为鱼、虾、贝类和螃蟹等浅海湿地生物提供养分丰富的食料。

我们亲切地称为“海上森林”的红树林还是鸟类的天堂。景区的红树林里栖息着各种各样的海鸟,其中数量最多的是白鹭鸟。“Mangrove forest is a paradise for birds. All sorts of seabirds live in the mangrove forest. The largest number is the egret.”。群群白鹭在林间觅食玩耍,偶尔被渔人惊起,百鸟飞翔的景象十分壮观。游客们在这里还可以感受“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的原生态自然美景和美好意境。

景区的沙滩有着丰富的海产品资源,退潮后的沙滩上会留下无数的贝类、螃蟹、沙虫等。“The beach is rich in seafood resources. At low tides, you can find a lot of shells, crabs, sand worms, and so on.”。早起的你可以跟随渔民一起去赶海(beach combing),在沙滩上摸螺、捉蟹、挖沙虫……体验渔民生活,乐趣多多!


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