
南宁晚报 2018-04-15 07:07 大字

4月9日,百色西林县获批筹建国家地理标志产品保护示范区,这是继横县之后,广西获批筹建的第2个国家地理标志产品保护示范区。“In April 9th, Xilin county was approved to build a demonstration area for protected national geographic indication products. After Hengxian county, this is the second demonstration area for approval in Guangxi.”。

西林县拥有四个国家地理标志保护产品:西林沙糖橘(Xilin tangerine)、西林麻鸭(Xilin duck)、西林姜晶(Xilin ginger tea)、西林火姜(Xinlin ginger)。产品生产总值超10亿元,地理标志产业已成为该县带动农民脱贫的主导产业。“The gross production is over one billion yuan. The geographic indication industry has become the leading industry to drive the peasants out of poverty.”。

早在数万年前的旧石器早期,西林县就有过人类活动。“As early as tens of thousands of years ago, there were human activities in Xilin county in the early Paleolithic period.”。春秋战国时期,西林地域在部落联盟的基础上形成了方国句町国。明永乐七年(1409年)设置上林长官司。清康熙四年(1665年)改土归流转用县,存林字,因地处西端,故得名西林县。

历史上第二次鸦片战争的导火索——“马神甫”事件(又称“西林教案”)就发生于西林县。1853年(咸丰三年)法国天主教神甫马赖非法潜入广西西林县活动,作恶多端。“Father Auguste Chapdelaine Incident, the fuse of the Second Opium War, took place in Xilin county. Father Auguste sneaked into Xilin county in 1853 and he did all kinds of evil.”。1856年,西林知县张鸣凤逮捕马赖等26人,并依法判处马赖死刑。次年,法皇拿破仑三世(即路易·波拿巴)以此为借口,与英帝国联合发动了第二次鸦片战争。“In 1856, Zhang Mingfeng, the magistrate of Xilin county, arrested Auguste and 26 people related. Auguste was sentenced to death by law. Next year, Emperor Napoleon III used this as an excuse to launch the Second Opium War with the British Empire.”。

西林县境内山高林密,全县森林覆盖率39.34%,有三尖杉、黑金竹、蒜头果等稀少珍贵树种,云豹(龟纹豹)等许多珍贵野生动物,其中属国家保护范围的动物有30多个种类。“The forest coverage rate is 39.34% due to the high mountains and the thick forests in Xilin county. There are some rare valuable trees and lots of precious wild animals. Among them, there are more than 30 kinds of animals belonging to national protected species.”。

千年古城西林还有丰富的旅游资源。“Xilin, a thousand year old city, has a rich tourism resource.”。万峰湖景区、八万水源洞、周邦洞群、那劳岑氏建筑群、古商埠达下、古镇火柴等,以及从普驮村出土的铜棺墓葬和铜鼓墓葬等人文景观。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





