
南宁晚报 2018-04-08 06:15 大字

“三月鹧鸪满山游,四月江水到处流。采茶姑娘茶山走,茶歌飞向白云头……”电影《刘三姐》中 ,刘三姐与姐妹们一边采茶一边歌唱的场景,真实展现了广西人自古就采茶、产茶、喝茶,形成了自己的茶文化。“Some scenes of the movie Liu Sanjie show that since ancient times, people in Guangxi have the habit of picking tea, producing tea and drinking tea. They have formed their own tea culture.”。

又是一年清明时,清明时节采的茶叶叫清明茶,也叫春茶,据说只有清明茶制成的茶叶是黑色,其他季节都是黄色。“Qingming Fesitival has come again. The tea which is picked during the Qingming Festival is called Qingming tea or spring tea. It is said that only Qingming tea can make dark tea and the rest tea produced in other seasons makes yellow tea.”。清明假期,我们到全国无公害茶叶生产基地凌云县进行一场茶山之旅。

凌云县位于广西西北部,森林覆盖率达78%,现有茶园面积11.2万亩,素有“茶乡”之称。其境内有一株古生茶树,根径达60厘米,胸径达40厘米,树高达20米,被称为“广西茶树王”。“Lingyun County is located in the northwest of Guangxi. The forest coverage rate is up to 78%. Now the area of tea plantation is about 75 square kilometers. It is known as Tea Town. There is an ancient tea tree in Lingyun. The diameter of the root of the tree is 60 centimeters. The diameter of the tree is 40 centimeters and it is up to 20 meters high. It is called the king of Guangxi tea tree.”。

值得一提的是,凌云县的白毫茶历史悠久。“It is worth mentioning that pekoe tea has a long history in Lingyun.”。白毫茶树品种独特,是乔木大叶种类型,芽叶密披茸毛,以白毫满身而得名。据说白毫茶树是亚洲唯一能加工出绿茶、红茶、白茶、黄茶、黑茶、青茶六大类茶品的茶树品种。如今,白毫茶更成为当地脱贫致富的第一产业。“It is said the pekoe tea tree is the only variety in Asia that can be processed into green tea, black tea, white tea, yellow tea, dark tea and oolong tea. Nowadays, pekoe tea has become the local primary industry to banish poverty and become prosperous.”。

凌云县还有茶山金字塔国家4A级景区、纳灵河谷国家3A级景区、 泗城文庙国家3A级景区等不同风光。


纳灵河谷国家3A级景区原名纳灵洞,被誉为“亚洲神奇第一奇洞”,全长6000多米,已开辟游道2000多米。“Naling Cave, the national 3A-class scenic spot, is praised as the first mystic cave in Asia. The cave is over 6000 meters long and its tourism route has more than 2000 meters.”。洞壁洞顶上,钟乳石、石笋、石柱、石花、石盾、石旗、石瀑、流石坝不计其数。洞内,一条不知发源何处、最终流向何方的地下河,留给游人无限想象空间。“In the cave, an underground river that we don't know where to go and where it flows gives the infinite imagination space to the visitors.”。


本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


凌云 救人少年邓再斌获天天正能量三等奖



