

南宁晚报 2016-10-16 00:00 大字

“刷瓦滴卡”,这是一句很多南宁人都会讲的泰语。在电影《泰囧》还没拍摄之前,因为中国-东盟博览会的召开,泰国美食、泰国旅游逐渐被大家熟识。“Many people in Nanning know ‘sa wa di ka’. Before the movie Lost in Thailand has been produced, Thai food and the tourism of Thailand are popular because of the CAEXPO.”。今天,我们就来说说这个一说到它就想起要刷自己银行卡的国家。

语言 Language

泰国旧名暹罗,1949年5月11日,泰国人将自己民族的名称由“暹罗”改为“泰”,取其“自由”之意。“Siam is the old name of Thailand. On the date of May 11th, 1949, people changed the name of their nation ‘Siam’ into ‘Thai’. It means freedom.”。



Long Neck’s People

泰国是一个多民族国家,其中长颈族是比较特别的一个民族。“Thailand is a multi-national country. The long neck tribe is a special nation.”。

长颈族是由泰国北部与缅甸边界的一个少数民族喀伦族(Karen)的一支巴东(Padaung)族组成,只能在湄宏顺镇看得到。长颈族人以脖子长为美,孩子从5~6岁起就在脖子上套铜圈,一年增一个,使脖子慢慢拉长,脖子最长者脖子长达70厘米。“Long necks present the beauty. Kids begin to wear the copper ring on their necks when they are five or six years old. Every year add one more ring on the neck. Therefore, the neck will be longer and longer. The longest neck is 70 cm.”。洗浴时,长颈人只能把稻草塞进铜圈内拉锯般擦洗。

旅游 Tourism

泰国气候属于热带季风气候。全年分为热、雨、旱三季,年均气温24~30℃。“The climate of Thailand belongs to the tropical monsoon climate. It can be divided into the hot season, rainy season and dry season. The annual average temperature is from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius.”。

佛教是泰国的国教,90%的泰国人信奉佛教。“Buddhism is the state religion of Thailand. 90% people believe in Buddhism.”。几百年来,无论是风俗习惯,还是文学、艺术等各方面,几乎都和佛教有着密切关系。“For hundreds of years, customs, literature and arts are closely related to Buddhism.”。在泰国,凡是信奉佛教的男孩到了一定年龄,都要削发为僧修行,连王室和贵族也不例外。到泰国旅游,处处可见身披黄色袈裟的僧侣,以及富丽堂皇的寺院。“When you travel to Thailand, you can see the monks wear yellow gowns and the splendid temples everywhere.”。因此,泰国又有了“黄袍佛国”的美名。

本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译



