
南宁晚报 2019-05-19 07:38 大字



5月的大明山水域景观秀丽,有声震数里、落差120多米的高岩巨瀑,也有水光山色交相辉映的龙湖。“In May, the water views of Damingshan Mountain are beautiful. The giant waterfall from the high rock has a 120-meter drop and the sounds of the waterfall can travel for miles. Longhu Lake has a wonderful landscape with mountains and waters.”。据悉,电影《神女峰的迷雾》《雾界》《心泉》等外景多摄于大明山。

从大明山下来,下一站可到巴马瑶族自治县甲篆乡坡月村的百魔洞。“百魔”是壮语中“泉口”的意思。因百魔洞洞口有泉水,附近的壮族村落叫百么村,故该洞取名为百魔。“After visiting Damingshan Mountain, the next stop is Baimo Cave which is located in Poyue village of Bama county. Baimo means spring water in the Zhuang language. Because there is spring water at the entrance of Baimo Cave and the nearby village of the Zhuang nationality is called Baimo village, it was named Baimo Cave.”。百魔洞每立方厘米空气负氧离子含量高达20000~50000个,成为最佳养生自驾游线路必打卡点。

命河位于巴马那社乡,从高处俯视,它在田垌里左拐右弯的河道酷似一个巨型草书体“命”字。据说,命河沿岸百岁以上老寿星有80多人,占巴马寿乡百岁老人比例的三分之二以上,八九十岁的长者不少。“It is said that there are more than 80 elderly people over the age of 100 along the Minghe River. It accounts for more than two-thirds of the hundred-year-old men in Bama county. There are lots of people in their eighties and nineties.”。

从巴马驱车40公里,你将在凤山县三门海生态旅游区领略到典型的喀斯特地貌。“Driving 40 kilometers from Bama county, you will reach Fengshan county. Over there, you will experience the typical Karst landforms in Sanmenhai Ecotourism Area.”。三门海景区的天窗有7个之多,是串珠式天窗群,被国内外专家学者称为“世界之窗”。据悉,三门海旅游景区还被世界洞穴协会确认为目前世界上唯一的水游天坑景区。

最佳养生自驾游线路最后一站是东兰县。这里著名的景点是列宁岩。原名北帝岩的列宁岩位于该县武篆巴学村,是个可容纳数千人的天然石洞。“Donglan county is the last stop of the best health-preserving and self-driving tour route. The famous scenic spot here is Lenin Rock. Lenin Rock, formerly known as Beidi Rock, is located in Baxue village. It is a nature cave that can hold thousands of people.”。1922年3月,韦拔群在此组织革命同盟,发表《敬告同胞书》;1925年9月,韦拔群、陈伯民等在洞内开办东兰第一届农民运动讲习所;1930年2月,红七军军长张云逸来到武篆,因韦拔群在北帝岩宣传了马列主义,提议改名为“列宁岩”。“In February 1930, Zhang Yunyi, the commander of the 7th Red Army, came here. Because Wei Baqun promoted Marxism-Leninism in Beidi Rock, Zhang Yunyi proposed to rename it Lenin Rock.”。



本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


花季·风景/袁俐油画作品展将举办 展览时间:2019.5.19-5.23展览地点:北京1十1艺术中心主办单位:北京市工贸技师学院



