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澎湃新闻 2020-07-04 09:25 大字

原创 上海摄影艺术中心 SCOP

最近英国摄影艺术家 Lewis Khan 发布了他的第一本摄影书《Theatre》,此系列来自他从2015年开始,在英国几家 NHS 医院进行的为期4年的公益拍摄项目。在这4年间,Khan 记录了发生在 NHS 医院里一幕幕或感人,或脆弱,或充满人性光辉的瞬间。正如他所说,“医院是能同时展现人类坚韧、美丽和脆弱的地方”。Khan 不仅捕捉了医护工作本身和病人们被治疗的身体,还关注了医院不为人知的一面——从清洁工、探访者、到床架、手术器具等细节,还有那些病人康复或去世后的遗留物品。Khan 在拍照之前会花很多时间观察,他常常会跟在医生们身边好几天,跟随他们做手术、查房。但只有在自己感到舒适的时候,他才会拿起相机拍照。“只有当感到舒适的时候,我才能接近别人,并让他们感到舒服的去拍照。我很敏感,能够判断形势,并决定何时与谁接触。”Khan 如是说道。因此他的作品既没有过分的刻画那些苦难悲痛,也没有过分的夸大医护人员去塑造英雄。而是平铺直叙的,温柔的记录医院里真实发生的画面。

2020年,我们每个人的生活都不可避免地与“疫情”两个字扯上了关系,即便今年已经过去了大半,我们仍然在与冠状病毒做斗争。而医院和医护人员,就是站在我们面前保护着每个人的第一道防线。虽然《Theatre》的创作是在冠状病毒席卷全球之前完成的,但如今我们却对它讲述的故事感同身受。在后疫情时代,人类面对绝对力量时那种无助脆弱感,让人们都有一丝疲惫。Khan 用他的作品中,那些温柔光线下带有宗教意味和神圣隐喻的画面,让我们感受到了逆境中的希望和鼓舞。

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British photographer Lewis Khan has recently released his first photobook, Theatre, as part of his four-year project shot in several NHS hospitals in the UK, beginning in 2015. During this period, Khan captured a range of emotional moments in the life of the NHS. As he said, “Hospitals are places, of human resilience, beauty and fragility.” Besides shooting doctors, nurses and patients, Khan paid attention to the often unseen aspects of a hospital from its cleaners to its visitors, the bedsteads to details of surgical instruments to items left behind when patients recover and return home, or pass away. Before taking his photos, Khan spent a lot of time observing the environment, following doctors when they do operations and made their usual rounds. Khan only shot when he was comfortable. “I felt that only once I was comfortable would I be able to approach people and make them feel comfortable enough to have their photo taken. I was sensitive about reading situations and making decisions about who to approach, and when.” Thus, we barely see suffering and sorrow, or praise for the medical staff who are heroes in this realm. Instead, Khan”s work is flat, descriptive, gently recording what happens in the hospital.

In 2020, our lives have all been touched by "COVID". As the first half of this year is suddenly behind us, we are still in the process of fighting the coronavirus. The hospital and medical staff are the frontline that protect us. Though Theatre series was completed before coronavirus swept the world, what it expresses is even more relevant now, as humanity reels, helpless and fragile in the light of the post-COVID world. Khan”s work offers a sense of hope and encouragement through its subtle symbolism and gently lit metaphors.

在拍摄医护人员肖像时,Khan 用相似的构图,配合他们身上蓝色的工作服和头上戴的防护帽,营造了一种看起来像是欧洲古典绘画中描绘圣人的图像氛围。

他对细节的捕捉,触及了医院的各个角落。在 Khan 的镜头下,细节是充满力量的,从侧面辅助他完成了整个系列的创作。

在拍摄医院环境时,Khan 没有呈现传统印象中,令人紧张的,冷冰冰的医院形象。Khan 说,他在拍摄时把医院当成了人的身体一般来对待。因此他镜头下的 NHS 医院,是一幅幅温暖柔和,充满生机的画面。

Lewis Khan

现居伦敦的摄影艺术家 Lewis Khan,出生于1990年,毕业于西英格兰大学(UWE, Bristol)。除了摄影,他也致力于视频领域的创作。他的作品是对情感、关系和身份的研究。

NHS(National Health Service)

即英国国家医疗服务系统。一直承担着保障英国全民公费医疗保健的重任,遵循救济贫民的原则,NHS曾对改善人民的健康状况起到了非常积极的作用,并受到了社会的广泛欢迎。但 NHS 面临的问题和矛盾也越来越突出,资金不足和如今的私有化成为了最主要的问题。

SCoP Moments

『 SCoP Moments 』邀请观者与我们一起通过照片探索日常生活中令人难忘的瞬间,这些杰出的作品代表了以摄影作为表达方式的不同个体的创造性视野。

“SCoP Moments" invites viewers explore memorable photographs of poignant moments from daily life, and which are standout works representing the creative vision of the diverse individuals who chose photography as their means of expression.

正在展出 Current Exhibition


Beyond Fashion


参观时间 10:30 - 17:30

周二至周日 Tuesday to Sunday

周一闭馆 Closed on Monday


(021) - 64289516


原标题:《SC?P Moments | 后疫情时代的希望和鼓舞》




