近日,第二次全区古树名木资源普查工作结果出炉,广西共有古树名木116414株,近700个树种,树龄在千年以上的古树有400多株,是全国古树最多树种省区之一。今天,我们要介绍一棵有故事的古榕树。“Recently, the result of the general survey of ancient famous trees resources in Guangxi has come out. There are 116,414 ancient famous trees in Guangxi, with about 700 species. There are more than 400 trees over one thousand years old. Guangxi is one of the provinces with the largest number of ancient trees in China. Today, we will introduce an ancient banyan tree with stories.”。
贺州市钟山县公安镇大田村是一座有500多年历史的传统古村落,村里的10多棵古树见证了大田村的发展和变迁。“Datian Village in Hezhou city is a traditional ancient village with a history of more than 500 years. Over 10 ancient trees in the village witnessed the development and change of Datian Village.”
其中,一株560岁的古榕树,树高18米,树径2.4米,冠幅达29.5米,树干中还夹着不少石头。“Among them, an ancient banyan tree is 560 years old. It is 18 meters high. The tree diameter is 2.4 meters and the crown of the tree is 29.5 meters.”。据悉,古榕树的树冠这么大,是因为有一棵樟树与其共生。关于它们,还有一个凄美的爱情故事。传说古榕树和樟树原本是一对夫妻,他们在树干的夹缝中放上石头,寓意“海枯石烂,永不分离”。后来,樟树突然患病,为不影响到对方,便要求榕树离开自己。但榕树并没有离开,而是将樟树拥在怀中,一直不离不弃。
除了这棵有故事的古榕树,大田村还有保存较好的明清时期古民居83座,以及建于清光绪四年(即1878年)的大田戏台。1981年,大田戏台被列为广西壮族自治区重点文物保护单位。“In addition to this ancient banyan tree, Datian Village has 83 well-preserved houses of the Ming and the Qing dynasties, including Datian Stage built in 1878.In 1981, Datian Stage was listed as the key cultural relic protection unit of Guangxi.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译
护航未成年人健康成长 钟山县人民检察院积极开展“一校一讲师”工程培训